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Emanuel Tov, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Minneapolis u. Assen/Maastricht, Fortress u. Van Gorcum, 1992, p.21.
Cf. Tov, Ibid., p.29, 33f., 105f. a. Tov “Special Layout of Poetical Units in the Texts from the Judean Desert”, in Janet Dyk (ed.), Give ear to my words. Psalms and other Poetry in and around the Hebrew Bible. Essays in honour of Professor N.A. van Uchelen, Amsterdam, Societas Hebraica Amstelodamensis, 1996, p.115-128.
“Semiotics of the Textual Shape”, Wolfgang Raible, Die Semiotik der Textgestalt. Erscheinungsformen und Folgen eines kulturellen Evolutionsprozesses, Heidelberg, Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1991.
Masseketh Soferim. Tractate for Scribes, translated into English with Introduction and Notes by Rev. Dr. Israel W. Slotki, in A. Cohen, The Minor Tractates of the Talmud. Massekoth †e‰annoth in two Volumes, 2 Bde., translated into English with notes, glossary and indices under the editorship of Rev. Dr. A. Cohen, London, The Soncino Press, 21971, p. 211-324.
Cf. William Wickes, Two Treatises on the Accentuation of the Old Testament טעמי אמ״ת on Psalms, Proverbs, and Job. טעמי כ״א ספרים on the Twenty-One Prose Books, New York, Ktav Publishing House, 1970 [1881 u.1887].
Moses Mendelssohn, Die Psalmen , uebersetzt von Moses Mendelssohn, mit allergnaedigsten Freyheiten, Berlin, Friedrich Maurer, 1783.
Henri Meschonnic, Gloires. Traduction des psaumes, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2001.
Cf. e.g. Moses Mendelssohn’s “Be’ur” (Hebrew for “explanation”) on the song at the sea (Ex 15), Hebräische Schriften II,2. Der Pentateuch, bearbeitet von Werner Weinberg, Stuttgart u. Bad Canstatt, Friedrich Frommann Verlag (Günther Holzboog) (= Gesammelte Schriften, JubA, 24 Bde., begonnen von I. Elbogen, J. Guttmann u. E. Mittwoch, fortgesetzt von A. Altmann u. E. J. Engel in Gemeinschaft mit F. Bamberger u.a., Bd. 16), 1990c, p.125-134. I am greatly indebted to Prof. Daniel Krochmalnik and Dr. Rainer Wenzel (College of Jewish Studies, Heidelberg) for giving me access to Dr. Wenzels German translation, that is expected to be published in the JubA, which helped me in understanding the rabbinical Hebrew.
As for Meschonnic, cf. Ibid., p.7-52 a. Critique du rythme. Anthropologie historique du langage, Lagrasse, Éditions Verdier, 1982, esp. p.395-405, p.458-475.
This is a central argument insisted on in Lowth’s De sacra poesi Hebraeorum, 1753 as well as in Mendelssohn’s be’ur. Cf. Robert Lowth, Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, übers. von G. Gregory, 2 Bde., Hildesheim, Georg Olms Verlag, 1969, p.52f.; De Sacra Poesi Hebraeorum. Prealectiones Academiae Oxonii Habitae, subjicitur Metricae Harianae Brevis Confutatio et Oratio Crewiana, Oxonii, Clarendoniano, 1753, p.194.
The term occurs in J.W. Rothstein, Hebräische Poesie. Ein Beitrag zur Rhythmologie, Kritik und Exegese des Alten Testaments, Breslau, Hinrich, 1914, p.73.
Cf. Joshua Blau, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1976, p. 41, 45.
Cf. Rüdiger Bartelmus, Einführung in das Biblische Hebräisch, Zürich, Theologischer Verlag, 1994, p. 201-207; Blau, Ibid., pp. 45-47; Paul Joüon, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew, Part Three, Syntax, 1991, Rom, Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico, p.366f.
Blau, Ibid., 82, 90-92; Joüon, Ibid., §155.k, p.579.
Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, ed. together with A. Alt, O. Eißfeldt, P. Kahle by R. Kittel, Stuttgart, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 51997.
Cf. Heinrich Lausberg, Handbuch der literarischen Rhetorik. Eine Grundlegung der Literaturwissenschaft, München, Max Hueber Verlag, 1960, p.461-467; Angelika Neuwirth, “Zur Struktur der Yūsuf-Sure”, in Werner Diem a. Stefan Wild (eds.), Studien aus Arabistik und Semitistik. Anton Spitaler zum siebzigsten Geburtstag von seinen Schülern überreicht, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 1980, p.123-152.
Cf. Jost Schneider, „Strophe“, in Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, Neubearbeitung des Reallexikons für deutsche Literaturgeschichte, gemeinsam mit Georg Braungart u.a. hg. von Jan-Dirk Müller, 3 Bde., Bd. 3, Berlin u. New York, Walter de Gruyter, 2003, p.529.
The transliteration is not a scholarly transcription, but its aim is just to connect to the Hebrew sounds in the general school pronunciation. The so-called shwa mobile, designating the reduced or “murmer” vowel at the beginning of a syllable, however, is transliterated as “ĕ” instead of a simple “e”. Cf. Das Hohelied Salomos, übersetzt, transkribiert u. kommentiert von Klaus Reichert, München, Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag, 22003, p.88f. The vertical lines separate Hebrew word units.
Cf. Ludwig Köhler u. Walter Baumgartner, Hebräisches und Aramäisches Lexikon zum Alten Testament, Bosten u. Leiden, Brill, 32004.
Cf. Josua Reichert’s and Karl Neuwirth’s project Der Haidholzener Psalter, München u. Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1988; J.P. Fokkelman, The Psalms in Form. The Hebrew Psalter in its Poetic Shape, Leiden, Deo Publishing, 2002; for concise poetic stocktakings to psalm 4 cf. J.P. Fokkelman, Major Poems of the Hebrew Bible at the Interface of Prosody and Structural Analysis, V. 2, Assen, Van Gorcum, 2000, p.59-62; Pieter van der Lugt, Cantos and Strophes in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, Leiden u. Bosten, Brill, 2006, p.112-117.
Cf. Emanuel Tov, Scribal Practices and Approaches Reflected in the Texts Found in the Judean Desert, Leiden u. Boston, Brill, 2004, p.166-178, esp. p.174f.
Cf. Fokkelman, 2000, Ibid., p. 59. In his view, there are three strophes, “each consisting of a quartet of cola”, that “are framed by two tricola in a beautiful inclusion”. Cf. the corresponding layout in, Fokkleman, 2002, Ibid., p.17.
Cf. Eduard Sievers, Metrische Studien. I. Studien zur hebräischen Metrik, Erster Teil: Untersuchungen, Leipzig, Teubner, 1901, p.99.
Cf. Pieter van der Lugt, Ibid., p.113.
For the different aspects of the perfect (qatal) cf. Joüon, Ibid., pp.362-365. For the so called “precative or optative perfect” cf. Iain W. Provan, „Present and Future in Lamentations 56: The Case For a Precative Perfect Re-Examined“, 1991, VT 41/2, p.164-175.
Cf. Hermann Hupfeld, Die Psalmen, Bd.1, 21867, Gotha, Perthes, p.122.
Cf. van der Lugt, Ibid., pp.77-81; Fokkelman, 2000, Ibid., p.59.
Cf. Hubert Irsigler, „Psalm-Rede als Handlungs-, Wirk- und Aussageprozeß. Sprechaktanalyse und Psalmeninterpretation am Beispiel von Psalm 13“, in Klaus Seybold a. Erich Zenger, Wege der Psalmenforschung, 21995, Freiburg, Basel u. Wien, Herder, p.87.
Vs. van der Lugt, ibid, p. 113, who takes it as a prohibitive; cf. Joüon, Ibid., §117.j, p.386.
Cf. Hermann Gunkel, Die Psalmen, 21968, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Rupprecht, p.17.
Cf. van der Lugt, Ibid., p.112-114, 116. He assumes two cantos that both contain two strophes: I = MV.2.3, II = M4.5. | I = MV.6.7, II = MV.8.9, cf. p.112.
Ibid., p.113.
Ibid., p.113 sees only „uvitchú-lavétach” as an inclusion.
In van der Lugt’s typographic interpretation the two words belong to different strophes; that they are nevertheless phonetically tied, corresponds to his definition of “concatenation”, Ibid., p.113, 572.
Cf. Ibid.,p.114.
Against the arrangement of BHS in MV.5 I do not suppose the main, but only a minor caesura to be between the parallel phrases “ʻimrú vilvavchém” and “ʻal mishcavchém”. The structure of this B-colon parallels that of 3B (“teʼehavún ríq / tĕʼvaqshú chazáv”).
Cf. van der Lugt, Ibid., 112, 116f; Hupfeld, Ibid., 21867, p.123f., 131, 132, 134; Fokkelman, Ibid., 2000, p.59, 60.
Cf. Hupfeld, Ibid., who takes MV.7B as the continuation of the many’s speech, which is taken for improbable by the later reworking by Riehm, p.131.
Cf. Fokkelman, Ibid., 2000, p.60.
Köhler u. Baumgartner, Ibid., p.1418.
Cf. Ibid., 387f.
Cf. Hupfeld, Ibid., p.136f. and Fokkelman, Ibid., 2000, p.61, 17, 18.
Cf. Hupfeld, Ibid. p.124-127 a. Gunkel, Ibid., p.15.
The dominant interpretation is the reference to the subject, cf. Fokkelman, Ibid., 2000, p.61f.; Hupfeld, Ibid., p.117, 136f.
For the concept of “continuous dichotomy” of the Masoretic accents cf. Wickes, Ibid., [1887], p.30 a. [1881], p.30f., 38; vs. Flender’s argument for a “Dreiteilung” by the divider ’ole wĕyored, cf. Reinhard Flender, Der biblische Sprechgesang und seine mündliche Überlieferung in Synagoge und griechischer Kirche, Wilhelmshaven, Florian Noetzel, 1988, p.35-38.
Cf. Mendelssohn’s expression “כמשולבו׳” kĕmĕshulav׳ [,as intertwined’], 1990c, Ibid., p.130.
Cf. Fokkelman, Ibid., 2000, p.61f. and his layout, Ibid., 2002, p.17. The layout incomprehensibly contradicts his own argumentation in the corresponding annotations, p.155 where he pleads for the reference of “lĕvadád und lavétach” together to the object.
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