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Merwin Recollected: Echo-Futures With or Without Us
Poetic recollections

W.S. Merwin

Joseph Chaney

Texte intégral

W. S. Merwin

“On the last day of the world
I would want to plant a tree”


Think of the concentration it requires,

the pretending, if that’s the right word here.

Conscious that it’s over, you still dig holes,

unwrap roots, fill dirt. All care. All calmness.

It wasn’t hope that kept him going, then,

belief in some minimal survival,

since he was willing to be nothing. Gone,

not even words remaining, not a sign.

It’s hard to be an artist, a parent

sending the children out. Their beginning

is our end. Then, when the world stops, we lose

the stories, too. Yet don’t we find ourselves

working and acting now as though we’ll live,

planting a young tree each immortal day?

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Référence électronique

Joseph Chaney, « W.S. Merwin »Transatlantica [En ligne], 2 | 2024, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2024, consulté le 07 février 2025. URL : ; DOI :

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Joseph Chaney

Poet, Indiana State University

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