Texte intégral
1As of 2013, the review Travail et emploi is opening its pages to the English-speaking public with a biennial English translation of articles selected from those published during the two preceding years. Published as a Special Edition, this selection follows the same distribution norms as those for the four issues published annually: available in a “paper edition,” it can also be accessed online on several portals: the web site of the review; Revues.org; Cairn-info; and it will soon appear on Jstor.
2This international dimension is an important part of the editorial policy of Travail et emploi, which regularly publishes articles by non-French authors as well as those dealing with countries other than France. However, the publication of this special issue in English marks a new stage in enlarging this orientation. The review is well established in the French academic community and will thus give English-speaking readers an overview of some of the liveliest themes discussed in France while giving authors, especially younger writers, the opportunity of presenting their work to a wider audience.
3This selection of articles from Travail et emploi illustrates the diversity of disciplines and the multiplicity of methods used. The eight selected articles are the work of economists, sociologists, political scientists and historians, who rely on statistical analyses, archival research, ethnographic notes and interview studies. They also reflect the originality of the topics covered in the review: from career transformation of gendarmes in the nineteenth century to that of local civil servants in a small town in the contemporary period; from the emergence of the notion of psychosocial risks to its evaluation; from the remarkable good health of the self-employed to the evolution of the social group of crafts workers; from the reconstruction of the concept of union representation to the convergence of salaried careers of men and women over recent decades.
4Beyond the diversity of the issues raised and the importance of the results brought to light, this Special Edition reflects the review’s orientation towards scientific evaluation which is in line with international norms: always collegial, it is based on an anonymous review of articles by referees outside of the editorial board, and its editorial guidance takes the form of calls for contributions regularly open to the entire scientific community. At the same time we reaffirm our vision of a multidisciplinary approach which does not sacrifice disciplinary specificities and remains open to history and ethnographic sociology, disciplines which utilize a monographic approach, often absent in other social sciences.
5In the wake of recent developments in the journal, this English edition –which has been financially and materially supported by the Ministry for Labour and Employment– aims at increasing its ability to attract the most original scientific productions in its field, clarifying their contributions in a demanding dialog with the most recent theoretical and empirical advances at the French as well as at the international level. These are the objectives of Travail et emploi which wants to continue occupying a central position in leading the scientific debate on its issues of interest. We hope that readers and authors, both in France and abroad, in French and in English, will rejoice with us in this new publication.
Pour citer cet article
Référence papier
Thomas Amossé, Marie Cartier, Odile Join-Lambert, Thierry Kirat, Sophie Pochic et Véronique Simonnet, « Editorial », Travail et Emploi, Hors-série | 2013, 5.
Référence électronique
Thomas Amossé, Marie Cartier, Odile Join-Lambert, Thierry Kirat, Sophie Pochic et Véronique Simonnet, « Editorial », Travail et Emploi [En ligne], Hors-série | 2013, mis en ligne le 01 janvier 2014, consulté le 19 septembre 2024. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/travailemploi/6176 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/travailemploi.6176
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