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Instructions for authors

The articles published in Viatica will be prepared and made accessible online by the editorial and digital Center of the Université Clermont Auvergne (POLEN).

We would be very grateful if you could respect the following presentation guidelines, which will facilitate the work of the editor and the journal's editorial board.

Submission and publication of articles is free of charge. Authors retain publication rights.

Article length: 25,000 to 40,000 characters, including notes and spaces.

The articles submitted to the journal are first assessed using a reading grid, which is available in the appendix to this page. Once the requested corrections have been made (within one month), the issue is forwarded to the publisher, who then carries out an editorial review to assess the overall coherence of the issue.

1. General presentation of the article

  • Article title in English and French: centered, bold, size 14; subtitle on the next line, centered, size 12;

  • Article author: First name LAST NAME, institution on the next line, centered, size 12;

  • Headings: preceded and followed by a line break, maximum two levels, in italics, on left-hand side;

  • The article should come with 5 keywords (in French and English), separated by commas, and an abstract, in French and English (800 characters including spaces);

  • Please use footnotes (but these will be grouped together at the end of the article in the online version).

2. Body of the text

  • Justified, typed in Word, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12;

  • Systematic indentation, no tabbing for paragraph indents (use the "positive first line indent" function in "Paragraph");

  • Accentuate capital letters;

  • Centuries (in Roman numerals in a French article) should be presented in small capital letters (e.g.: xixe siècle);

  • Distinguish between em-dash (dialogues: ), en-dash () and hyphen (-). Hyphens are preceded and followed by a non-breaking space.

3. Bibliographical references

  • They appear in footnotes;

  • Book: First name Last name, Book title, City, Publisher, "Collection title", year, p. xx.

  • Article in a collection: First name Last name, "Article title", in Book title, First name Last name of editor(s), City, Publisher, "Series title", year, p. x-x.

  • Journal article: First name Last name, "Article title", Journal name, "Dossier title", issue no., issue title (optional), year, p. xx-xx.

  • Capitalization of works’ titles in French:

The first noun following the definite article is capitalized: Philippe Hamon, L'Ironie littéraire / Geoffroy Atkinson, Les Nouveaux Horizons de la Renaissance française.

When two distinct entities are linked by ‘and’ or ‘or’, the second noun in the title is also capitalized: Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir / Sade, Justine ou les Malheurs de la vertu.

If there is an indefinite article, the noun is left lower-case: Jean Giono, Un roi sans divertissement.

4. Internet and mass media references

  • For a website page: First name Last name of author, "Page title", Name of website or journal, [consulted on 00/00/0000];

  • For a film or radio/TV program: First name Last name of director, Title, subtitle © Production company or station name, year or date of broadcast, start time of extract;

  • For an episode of a series: First name Last name of creator, series title, season number and episode number following the 00x00 pattern, episode title © Producer, year of first broadcast, timing.

5. Use of abbreviations in French articles

  • Tome: t. ; page: p. ; et suivantes: et suiv. ; chapitre: chap. ; éditeur / édition: éd. ; traducteur: trad. ; directeur: dir. ; volume: vol. ; Monsieur: M. ; Madame: Mme;

  • Usual abbreviations will also be used (op. cit., art. cit., éd. cit., ibid.) and the terms éd. and trad. for a scientific edition or translation.

6. References to footnotes

  • The superscript is placed before the closing quotation mark, itself followed by the punctuation mark: Example: He says "I am king1".

  • When a quotation is introduced by a colon, the reference to the footnote precedes the final punctuation mark, placed in this case before the closing quotation mark, but is positioned after a final elision symbolized by [...]. Example: He says: "I am king [...]1".

  • When several expressions in quotation marks appear in the same sentence, the reference to the footnote appears after the last closing quotation mark.

7. Quotations

  • When they are long (over 200 characters, including spaces), isolate them from the body of the text without quotation marks or indentation: line break before and after, size 10, indentation of 1 cm on the left and right.

  • In all other cases, keep the quotation within the body of the text and use only French quotation marks. English “quotation marks” are reserved for quotations embedded in other quotations.

  • Quotations must be carefully checked by the author of the article: faithful transcription of the spelling, indication of the pages on which they are found. If any words are cut off or replaced, these should be indicated by square brackets: [...].

8. Illustrations

  • An online journal may include hyperlinks to videos, images or texts.

  • However, articles may be illustrated. In this case, please provide the image(s) as a separate file (jpeg, 200 dpi). The place of the images is indicated in the body of the text (they cannot be placed in the middle of a paragraph) by the mention "figure 1, figure 2, figure 3...".

  • These images must be free of copyright or accompanied by a reproduction authorization – the article's author must pay for any reproduction rights.

  • They must be accompanied by a caption and ©.

9. Reviews

  • All issues of Viatica include a section for reviews of critical works or scholarly editions devoted to travel literature.

  • Authors or editors should contact the editorial board member who is responsible for these reviews at the following address: emmanuelle.peraldo[at]

  • If the book corresponds to the journal's editorial policy, contact will be made with a specialist in the subject concerned, who will ask the publisher to send the volume to their address, enclosing a letter stating that Viatica will publish the review as soon as possible.

  • The layout is identical to that of the articles.

  • The title of the review is composed as follows: First name Last name, Book title, City, Publisher, Date, Number of pages, ISBN.

10. Norms for articles written in English

For articles written in English, authors are asked to use the Chicago norms published here:

11. Archive policy

The journal encourages authors to make the PDF file of their article available on this site in the HAL open archive, without any embargo period.

Document annexe

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