Recommendations for Authors
Scientific Articles
Scientific articles are the main purpose of the journal. The articles are either part of issues on an open topic, responding to calls for contributions that the journal regularly sends out, or in issues called “varia”, accepting featured articles without a common theme. The content of the articles is not limited (emphasizing perhaps a method, a concept, an idea, etc; the approach could be theoretical, programmatic or pragmatic). The only criteria taken into account are the quality of the scientific information, the rigor of its treatment and the originality of the proposal. Via@ only accepts original articles that have not already been published in some another form.
Authors are asked to direct their contributions to the editorial staff via email, carefully following the technical recommendations (; maria.gravari-barbas[at]
Technical recommendations:
Please be sure to separate each document: one file per illustration.
Text: text must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx).
Length: The articles should be preferably between 20,000 and 40,000 characters including spaces (they must not under any circumstances exceed 50,000 characters, including spaces).
Presentation of the author(s): Name of the author including full given name and academic degrees: Institution (University, Faculty, Department or Research Centre)
Abstract: about 150 words.
Keywords: up to 8.
Titles, subtitles in bold:
I. Title 1
A. Subtitle 1 -
Citations: quotation marks, text in italics; author, date and page that the quotation was taken from, in brackets
Footnotes: Use automatic numbers
Figures: caption (underneath) centered: « Document 1 : Title », « Document 2 : Title »… jpeg, tiff or png formats accepted – minimum resolution 150 dpi, maximum 300 dpi.
- Papers: Debarbieux B., 2008, « Le montagnard : imaginaires de la territorialité et invention d'un type humain », Annales de Géographie, n°660, 90-115.
- Books : Equipe MIT, 2005, Tourismes 2. Moments de lieux, Paris, Belin.
- Book chapters : Crozat D., 2007, « Thirdspace, espaces potentiels et hyper réel : nouvelles modalités de la fuite dans l'imaginaire », in Viala L., Villepontoux S. (dir.), Imaginaire, territoires, sociétés. Contributions à un déploiement transdisciplinaire de la géographie sociale, Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier 3, 97-112.
Book Reviews
The editorial staff of Via will offer for review a selection of works on tourism published in different languages. Authors interested in one or more works can contact the editors, mentioning their mailing address in order to receive a copy in the press office. Authors commit themselves to submitting their reviews in less than two months. These will then be evaluated by the editorial committee. It is also possible to propose to the journal a review of a work not on the list. Authors may submit reviews of different works and compare them. The review should strive to present the work(s) in a structured manner, stating its (their) contribution to the field of study. The review should, so far as it is possible, have a critical distance from the content of the work, with constructive criticism including, if possible, references to other comparable works. The authors must propose a title to their review, different from that of the work. The length of the text is open but, except for legitimate exceptions, must not exceed 10,000 characters. Authors should include the following details of the work: first and last name of author, title, place of publication, publisher, date, and number of pages. Each author must include his own first and last names, affiliated organization and email address.
Authors are asked to direct their contributions to the editorial staff via email (; maria.gravari-barbas[at]
Via regularly publishes maps relating to tourism under the heading “Maps”. Via edits static as well as dynamic maps. On the other hand, this heading is not limiting, as Via welcomes with interest all innovative works using new technologies. The author should explain the method used, contextualize it, and then give a commentary on the map. Finally, the author should show the principal insights that could be drawn from this analysis. The text must not exceed 7,000 characters and must be accompanied by supporting documentation. Any notes should be gathered together at the end of the article and a very short bibliography may complete the proposal.
Authors are asked to direct their contributions directly to the editorial staff via email (; maria.gravari-barbas[at]
News in brief
Via publishes short articles under the heading “News”. The scope of the articles is very open: field notebooks, travel notes, thoughts on the present, point of discussion, matters of method, etc.
The text must not exceed 7,000 characters and should be accompanied by images (photography, maps, graphics). Any notes should be gathered together at the end of the article and a very short bibliography may complete the proposal.
Authors must submit their first and last names, affiliated organizations and email addresses.
Authors are asked to direct their contributions directly to the editorial staff via email (; maria.gravari-barbas[at], carefully following the technical recommendations.
Technical recommendations:
Please be sure to separate each document: one file per illustration.
Text: text must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx).
Figures: jpeg, tiff or png formats accepted – minimum resolution 150 dpi, maximum 300 dpi
Phd Abstracts
Via is interested in the current scientific work of young researchers in tourism and dedicates a heading for them to present their recently-submitted thesis work. The thesis cases should proceed classically from presentation of the issue, objectives of the thesis, the conceptual framework into which it falls, the methodology chosen and the principal results. The thesis cases should include at least one document (photograph, map, sketch, etc) to illustrate the intentions of the author. Authors must submit their first and last names, affiliated organizations and email addresses. Authors may also describe their academic background in a few lines and the laboratory where the thesis was carried out. The text must not exceed 10,000 characters.
Authors are asked to direct their contributions directly to the editorial staff via email (; maria.gravari-barbas[at], carefully following the technical recommendations.
Technical recommendations:
Please be sure to separate each document: one file per illustration.
Text: text must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx).
Figures: jpeg, tiff or png formats accepted – minimum resolution 150 dpi, maximum 300 dpi.
Several times a year Via publishes photography relating to tourism and leisure under the heading “Photography”. Via will receive with interest and closely examine any proposed image with commentary dealing with this subject.
The photography submitted must be original, of good quality and royalty-free. The photograph must be accompanied by the location and date when it was taken, along with a short title. Text must not exceed 7000 characters including the title. The text should be real commentary on the photography, bringing depth to the image, allowing one to decipher what meets the eye, while putting it in its relevant context.
Authors must submit their first and last names, affiliated organizations and email addresses.
Authors are asked to direct their contributions directly to the editorial staff via email (; maria.gravari-barbas[at], carefully following the technical recommendations.
Technical recommendations:
Please be sure to separate each document: one file per illustration.
Text: text must be sent in Word format (.doc or .docx).
Photo: jpeg, tiff or png formats accepted – minimum resolution 150 dpi, maximum 300 dpi.