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The following statement is inspired by COPE (Committee on publication ethics) core practices. The Journal policies will be reviewed periodically, particularly with respect to new recommendations from the COPE Committee.
Editors’ duties and responsibilities
The Editorial Board of Via Tourism Review is responsible for the decision to publish articles and materials submitted to the journal and it may confer with the Scientific Committee, the Guest Editors of the issue or other qualified reviewers in making this decision. It follows and takes all reasonable steps to ensure the quality of publications and it assures the fairness of the evaluation system in accepting or rejecting the articles submitted by the authors supervising the peer review process and preserving the anonymity of reviewers.
The acceptance or rejection of an article for publication in the journal is based on the relevance and originality of the subject matter, aided by the suggestions and revisions of qualified reviewers selected on their suitability for each submission.
Unpublished material appearing in a submitted article will not be used in an editor's own research without the author's express written agreement.
The peer review process description is published on the journal web site, and Editorial Board will justify any important deflection from the explained process.
The Editorial Board promotes study and research on peer review and publication and reassesses the journal's processes in light of new developments.
The Editorial Board must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as proper. The discretion of individual information provided in the course of research or professional interactions is guaranteed.
The Editorial Board always evaluates manuscripts for their intellectual content and shall avoid any conflict of interest, discrimination with regard to the gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship of the authors.
Via Tourism Review is supervised by the Editorial Board and constrained by legal requirements and will inform the Publisher in the case of libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. It provides advices to authors that encourage the precision, completeness and clarity of research reports, including technical editing and the use of adequate guidelines.
In case of a suspected misconduct or an allegation of misconduct the Editorial Board has the duty to take action on both published and unpublished articles. It ensures that errors, inaccurate or misleading statements are corrected promptly and with due consideration. It will publish corrections, explanations, retreats, and excuses when needed.
The Editorial Board will respond promptly to claims and ensure that a way is available for dissatisfied complainants to pursue their claims. Complaints and claims should be sent to
The Editorial Board ensures that the material is published in a timely manner, with the frequency stated.
The Editorial Board takes all the necessary steps to guarantee that the published material is kept in a secure manner and that all articles are published in open access, available to anyone. Permanent identification in DOI guarantees the monitoring and preservation of articles over time.
Author’s duties and responsibilities
Authors are responsible for the articles they are submitting, they must assure the originality of their works, being aware of the implications of misconduct.
Authors guarantee that the article submitted for evaluation is original, unpublished and not submitted simultaneously to other journals for publication purposes, they accept the evaluation procedure of the manuscript, and in particular the journal’s peer review process. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Authors of original research reports must present an accurate description of their work and an objective discussion of its relevance. A paper should contain sufficient details and references to allow others to replicate the work.
Authors should always be able to acknowledge their sources and provide details of relevant references for all publications that have contributed to their work. When applicable Authors are encouraged to provide source data in relation to a paper for editorial review and should be prepared to retain such data for a reasonable period of time after publication in order to provide access to this information. Authors are recommended to follow the author's guidelines published by the journal, thereby ensuring the accuracy, completeness and clarity of research reports, including technical editing.
The authorship must be correctly acknowledged specifying, in the case of a co-authored contribution, the names of all the co-authors. All those that might have brought a significant contribution to the conception, organization and realization of the research on which the manuscript is based on, must be listed as co-authors. If others have contributed in a significant way to some phases of the research, their contribution must be formally recognized. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication. Authorship must be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported analysis.
Authors must guarantee that they have written entirely original works and, if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that these have been adequately cited or quoted.
Authors must state in their work any financial or other conflict of interest that could be considered to impact the results or interpretation of their paper. All funding sources for the research project must be published.
Authors are responsible for obtaining publishing permission from the copyright holders of images, documents or any other annex protected by copyright before publication. Fraudulent or expressively inaccurate statements represent unethical behavior and are intolerable.
When the authors become aware of any major errors or discover a significant inaccuracy in their publication has the duty to instantly inform the journal and provide appropriate retractions or corrections of mistakes sending a communication to the journal email address (
Reviewer duties and responsibilities
Reviewers support the Editorial Board in editorial decisions and communications with the authors; they may also help the authors to improve the publication within the agreed deadline.
Reviewers are provided with an evaluation sheet for the review of the article and are informed of the need to treat the submitted material confidentially and in an anonymous manner.
Reviewers are requested to disclose any potential conflicting interests before agreeing to review a proposal. Reviewers should not accept the evaluation of papers in which they have conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative or other relationships or connections with any authors, societies or institutions related to the articles.
Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal benefit.
Any articles provided for review should be processed as confidential material. They must not be shown or shared with others, unless authorized by the Editorial Board.
Any Reviewers who feels unqualified to review the article proposed or who knows that a prompt review is not possible should inform the Editorial Board and leave the review process.
Revisions should be conducted in an objective manner. Personal critiques to the author are inadequate and inadmissible. Referees should clearly express their point of view with clear and adequate argumentation.
Reviewers should identify relevant published works that have not been cited by the authors. A reviewer should also warn the Editorial Board of any substantial similarity or overlay between the work under review and any other published material of which they are aware.
Reviewers are encouraged to comment on the originality of the proposals and to pay attention to any redundant publications and plagiarism. They will inform the Editorial Board about potential intellectual property and plagiarism issues and help to deal with potential violations of intellectual property laws and conventions.